Biology, asked by Kunalswami777, 1 year ago

How the sex is determined in new born baby different method than genetically justify the statement


Answered by Aasthakatheriya1
There are different type of sex determination in organisms
Genetic based sex determination like in

human being sex is determined by "Y" chromosome (XX- female,   XY- male)

in grasshoper XO- male, XX- female

birds ZW is female and ZZ is male

haplodiploidy in ants and bee, male are developed from unfertilised or haploid eggs while females are develops from fertilised or diploid eggs.

Environmental depend sex determination like in crocodiles or alligators, in which sex is determined by temperature. The egg grown at higher temperature form female while egg grown on lower temperature form male.

Hope it help u....

Answered by pavani16
if the father chromosome is x then the baby is girl and if he releases y chromosome then baby is boy father will determine the sex of a baby mother only releases x chromosome
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