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Hey, this is Biswadev
. I appeared for ICSE 2016 and I got 96 in English. So, I think I'll be able to answer your query.
First, thing you need to understand that ENGLISH comprises of two papers 1 and 2. So , obviously, you need to do well in both to score about 95.
Honestly speaking I was no one great in English. There are a few reasons as to how I could pull off this marks.
Constant study and through with the text. The most important thing is to bed though with the text. You cannot afford to miss about a single paragraph in literature. We had merchant of Venice in 2016 and I remember my self memorising the entire dramma. I'm not lying. I also had the poems by heart and almost every chunk of the stories. So, even if I came across a question which I had nevertheless faced before in ICSE I could easily pull out text references and solidify my answers. Remember textual reference fetch you the most amount of marks. So, read the text over and over again.
Go through as many answers as possible. It helps you understand the way you should be answering.
You should be good at speaking English. Yes you read it right. It is very important to refrain from using colloquial English in your paper something which is very common due to the general tendency of first framing the answer in your mother tongue and then translating it to English. Particularly for your essays use good der sentences and impress the reader by drawing his or her attention.
Last, enjoy literature. Keep thinking, talking to yourself in English and get your desired marks.