Economy, asked by PrincessNumera, 1 year ago

How to be an optimist? Why one should be one? What's the difference between an optimist and pessimist?



Nileshshimpi: Hey meet


Answered by Nikki57


Let's start,
For those who don't know,

Optimists are the ones who think positively and are confident about future and pessimists are the ones who think negatively , may or may not be clear about their future.

Gloom and pessimism weigh on our health, economy, actions and day to day routine and of course relationships.
A optimist and a pessimist are totally opposite of each other. They think differently, act differently.

What's the main difference between an optimist and pessimist?
A optimist is a happy fool while a pessimist is a sad one.

Q) How to be optimistic? How-to gain optimism? What an optimist need?
Let's discuss about it in points -:


• An optimist need to think positive

It's better if we seek positive emotions that is joy, humour, love , affection , care , and all what makes us feel better.

The links between our heart and mind are well established, even a single positive and pleasant thought can trigger neurotransmitters and hormones which are benificial for us.

Serotonin regulates mood positively.
Oxytocin hormone is of love, orgasm, pleasure.
Dopamine encourage us.

And yeah, we know that a simple smile is enough to low the blood pressure no? Even , if we see a person smiling, we feel somewhat better, to be true yes?

Be positive, keep smiling, that's one of the way you are spreading optimism.
When you wake up, just dwell a moment on positive dream, think of something which please you, a good start will make the day best.


• Don't rely on luck!

I failed in the exam, "My luck wasn't good today". What's luck? There is nothing like luck, you are just mentally consoling yourself!

Luck doesn't make your day or task excellent or worst, it's energy! It's energy who do everything.It's our will power, out confidence, our preparation, our spirit of conquer.

Nothing goes as well as we think, and vice versa. We may think that everything is going to be well, but it may not happen, we may think that everything will be worst, but maybe it won't happen.

Optimists know that nothing is taken for granted, instead it's earned.
Be ready to face the situation when everything will be going opposite as what you thought! Be prepared mentally!

Optimism is not always just thinking of 'Yes, everything will be alright'.


• Keep learning, keep that desire...!!!

What is a pessimist problem? It's just that he/she isn't having any hunger for learning something new, interacting with someone new. Optimists are opposite.

They do have hunger for learning, they have hunger for more knowledge, they dig for more information.

Desire to learn is a way of controlling ego, temperation to think that we know it all.
Is there any harm if we learn something new? No, acquiring skills do broaden our horizon.

And the knowledge acquired never go in vain, it will be beneficial for you, maybe not now but definitely in the coming time.

Progressing do reward for efforts.
Most important thing, Remain ALERT!


• Take initiatives ...!!!

Take responsibility of what happens to you. To compensate , we become mistrustful to the world. We simply just shower our anger on who isn't even related to what wrong happened to us, right?

You come back at home, after being punched by your some enemies, and you come home and start punching your siblings, why? xD

We always Construct a virtual world where everything is seen as negative, where everything goes wrong.

Never complain for what happened to you, there are other people who are suffering from same! If something is wrong with you, you are the only principal solution. Just you have to discover the way!


• Observe and see the world as it is!

Some people simply start seeing world more beautiful than it is, and then say that it's optimism.
Optimism is not about seeing things more beautiful than they are, not uglier too, optimists see things and world as they are
Let's stop seeing glass of world as half empty.


• If you aren't happy / convicted, just pretend to be so...!!!

Pretend to be amused, pretend. Atleast pretending may help a bit.
If you aren't convinced, simply show that you aren't that disappointed and will make things well soon.

Create box of delights!


• Put things in perspective - Just take a step back and think, put the situation into perspective and comparing it with the experiences we already had , comparing it with others.

We should concentrate on the solution and not the problems.


Hope it helps...!!!

Róunak: good ansa . nikki
Nikki57: Thanks
ujjwalthakurőfficial: aree kitne tareef kraogeee sb log
NickSingh1105: I agree with you
Answered by nancyyy
Here's the answer:

Being OPTIMISTIC means having a positive attitude or being self-confident. Whereas being PESSIMISTIC is the complete opposite thing, it means having a negative attitude and being unsure and demotivated about yourself.

☆How to be one?

》 Here are some ways to be more positive then being more negative:-)

• Be Grateful- Has someone done good to you? Even a little good? ..Then, always express your gratitude for them. It wont only make the person happy but also make make you more positive.

•Be Confident for yourself: Always be proud of how you look and not ashamed of how others sees you!
People always point out flaws...i.e. "You are too fat/too thin/too black/too fair/too good/too bad..and blah blah blah...-_-
What you should simply do is to IGNORE them! And always be confident for yourself ,it will increase your self-esteem and make you positive!

•Make a role model- Think of a person you like the most and you're inspired by their behaviour/attitude.. For eg - A celebrity.
And notice their positive approach for lifes and try to become one!
This will make you do better and thereby increasing your self esteem, making you more positive.

•Focus on the Good- When something bad happens to you.. Always think it in a good sight..
For eg- Imagine you didn't get good marks in your tests..Then despite of thinking you are a failure , think you are a learner and try to point out your mistakes and do better at your next exams!

•Be with Positive people- Influence of people matters a lot.. Try to be with a person you want to be like.
Don't be with negative people. Try to always be with positive people. Later on, you will observe their positive influence on you.

•Stay Strong: Life can get hard and things can go wrong but you should be strong enough to face all the odds.
No matter, whats the situation, always try to be strong and not loose your Confidence/Hopes.
Try to be strong, you never know who are you inspiring! :)

☆Why one should be one?

Being positive is always good. It not only increases your self esteem and makes you better but also improove your health,your relations and makes you joyful.
Positive thinking also gives you motivation and paves your path to success and to achieve your dreams

Whereas, being a negative thinker has many hazards. It not only makes you feel inferior and demotivated which makes you worse in specific fields but sometimes it also disturbs your psychological status i.e. it make you depressed, rude, melancholic and also has an adverse impact on your Personality and skills.
To sum up,
Having a Negative mind wont give you a Positive life! ^_^

iamalpha: xD
DaIncredible: =_=
nancyyy: :-/
ONLYFORUjahn: ..
ONLYFORUjahn: ye sb kya chal rha h
nancyyy: Nothing..They are spammers xD.. No More Comments Now!
ONLYFORUjahn: xD kya hota h
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