How to be serious in serious situation!?
Be aware of your face .Try to hold your serious expression, even if someone says something frustrating or upsetting.
Try to hold your serious expression, even if someone says something frustrating or upsetting....
Try to hold your serious expression, even if someone says something frustrating or upsetting....Look serious when you think.
Try to hold your serious expression, even if someone says something frustrating or upsetting....Look serious when you think.Avoid making eye contact with people around you. ...
Try to hold your serious expression, even if someone says something frustrating or upsetting....Look serious when you think.Avoid making eye contact with people around you. ...Stay quiet and maintain a serious expression.
Try to hold your serious expression, even if someone says something frustrating or upsetting....Look serious when you think.Avoid making eye contact with people around you. ...Stay quiet and maintain a serious expression.You do not stay in this pose permanently.
hope it's help uh
just take it like seriously...