how to become a writer ? a short note on this .
Writing and writing continuously makes a writer more and more refined. If you survey the writings of a great writer there may be a marked change from his early writing to his writing in his mature years. You become a better and better painter as you paint more and more pictures and you become a better and better writer as you write more and more.
Besides the regional language writers there are persons writing in English. Even students write poems in English. There are many Indians writing books of essays, biographies and even novels in English. Some novelists writing in English have won world acclaim. Arundhati Roy, an Indian novelist writing in English, has won some national and international awards. There are many novelists writing in English.
Read good books daily and improve your vocabulary. You can have a dictionary by your side and as you come across a new word you can understand its meaning by consulting the
Hope this helps you..........