Accountancy, asked by rohitha06, 1 month ago

how to become richest person in the world and what is stock market​


Answered by ayush1234222


Stock (also capital stock) of a corporation is all of the shares into which ownership of the corporation is divided.


In 2020, there were 2,095 billionaires in the world with a combined net worth of $8 trillion, according to Forbes.1 You might wonder what kind of education it takes to join the ranks of the world's wealthiest individuals. What do you need to study to become a billionaire? Is billionaire status reserved for those who graduate from elite universities? And just how important is an advanced degree to achieving extreme wealth?

To answer these questions, we take a look at five billionaires and their educational histories.


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates went to an exclusive college prep school and then attended Harvard University for two years before dropping out.

Carlos Slim Helu, who was the world's richest person from 2010 to 2013, graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico with a degree in civil engineering.

Spanish fashion executive Amancio Ortega, who has a net worth of $68 billion, grew up poor in a small town and dropped out of school at age 14 to find a job to help his family.

Warren Buffett purchased his first securities at age 11, received his undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska, and then went on to Columbia University where he earned a master’s degree in economics.

Billionaire Larry Ellison dropped out of college twice before moving to California where he worked as a programmer and eventually started the company that would become Oracle.

Answered by shanthikumari069


For becoming richest person in the world first you have start a business and develop the business on the time and taking precautions at tender time .On tht time you get profit on business you become Richest person.


I hope this answer is useful for you.

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