Psychology, asked by uttamds7736, 1 year ago

How to behave in this (increasingly cruel) world so that you have no regrets (should you keep a job that makes you miserable? should you stand up for yourself knowing you might be punished for it? should you have children? should you try to have a better relationship with your parents?)?


Answered by shubhi9643

Yes the world is cruel because everybody thinks of getting ahead of other people and not just that they want to create difficulities for others too

the answer to your qhes in my opinion
1. behaviour should be kept calm and polite no need to get frustrated aur lose hope because theres nothing you cant do unless you STOP TRYING
2. no dont do the job you dont like . there are so many job opportunities out there regardless what stream you have studies opportunities are countless . but do whatever makes you HAPPY
3.Democracy man you have the right to speak up your views
4. definitely have children. they will give you a reason and joy to live
5. parents our are everything. they are ahead everybody you must respect them and love them


Answered by RabbitPanda

Hey...i am really in trouble with this thing only...

If u will stand for yourself world will say selfish and if i u will not world will say coward... this tym age gap matters...teenage is important which makes us far from from our parents...we should listen them as they are more experianced but we should do things that our heart suggests....because if we do things that our parents suggest and the thing go wrong then u have to suffer 4 thing u have not done....if u yourself take a decission amd that goes wrong...then u have to suffer 4 thing u have done...

Hope it help....


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