How to build your own crypto trading bot?

In brief,
Decide on the programming language that you want to use. A good idea is to use a common or familiar programming language so that it can be easier to bring in development support should you need to.
Get hold of your APIs. Make sure that you get all the APIs to crypto exchanges you want your trading bot to interact with. For instance, if you are creating a GDAX trading bot, then you need access to the GDAX API.
Create accounts with the exchanges that you intend to use. For instance, if you intend to create a bittrex trading bot, then you need to access the bittrex API.
Chose a trading bot strategy. Whether its arbitrage, market following, or the market making strategy. The complex the trading strategy, the more the development time needed.
Architecture. Ensure that you clearly define the type of data that you want your trading bot to interpret.
Create. Creation is the most time-consuming part of making the trading bot. Ensure that you do everything procedurally.
Test. Make sure that your trading bot functions as it should. If not, this is the best time to fine-tune it.
Deployment. Once you have straightened up any issues with the trading bot, it’s time to deploy it and make use of it.
- 1. Decide on the programming language that you use
- Get hold of your APIs
- Create a account with exchange that you intend use
- Choose a trading bot strategy
- Architecture
- Create
- Test
- Deployment