Physics, asked by bawaprabh9266, 10 months ago

How to calculate the drift of the boat in relative velocity?


Answered by pkdebata2005


In this situation of a side wind, the southward vector can be added to the westward vector using the usual methods of vector addition. The magnitude of the resultant velocity is determined using Pythagorean theorem. The algebraic steps are as follows:

(100 km/hr)2 + (25 km/hr)2 = R2

10 000 km2/hr2 + 625 km2/hr2 = R2

10 625 km2/hr2 = R2

SQRT(10 625 km2/hr2) = R

103.1 km/hr = R

The direction of the resulting velocity can be determined using a trigonometric function. Since the plane velocity and the wind velocity form a right triangle when added together in head-to-tail fashion, the angle between the resultant vector and the southward vector can be determined using the sine, cosine, or tangent functions. The tangent function can be used; this is shown below:

tan (theta) = (opposite/adjacent)

tan (theta) = (25/100)

theta = invtan (25/100)

theta = 14.0 degrees

If the resultant velocity of the plane makes a 14.0 degree angle with the southward direction (theta in the above diagram), then the direction of the resultant is 256 degrees. Like any vector, the resultant's direction is measured as a counterclockwise angle of rotation from due East.

Analysis of a Riverboat's Motion

The effect of the wind upon the plane is similar to the effect of the river current upon the motorboat. If a motorboat were to head straight across a river (that is, if the boat were to point its bow straight towards the other side), it would not reach the shore directly across from its starting point. The river current influences the motion of the boat and carries it downstream. The motorboat may be moving with a velocity of 4 m/s directly across the river, yet the resultant velocity of the boat will be greater than 4 m/s and at an angle in the downstream direction. While the speedometer of the boat may read 4 m/s, its speed with respect to an observer on the shore will be greater than 4 m/s.

The resultant velocity of the motorboat can be determined in the same manner as was done for the plane. The resultant velocity of the boat is the vector sum of the boat velocity and the river velocity. Since the boat heads straight across the river and since the current is always directed straight downstream, the two vectors are at right angles to each other. Thus, the Pythagorean theorem can be used to determine the resultant velocity. Suppose that the river was moving with a velocity of 3 m/s, North and the motorboat was moving with a velocity of 4 m/s, East. What would be the resultant velocity of the motorboat (i.e., the velocity relative to an observer on the shore)? The magnitude of the resultant can be found as follows:

(4.0 m/s)2 + (3.0 m/s)2 = R2

16 m2/s2 + 9 m2/s2 = R2

25 m2/s2 = R2

SQRT (25 m2/s2) = R

5.0 m/s = R

The direction of the resultant is the counterclockwise angle of rotation that the resultant vector makes with due East. This angle can be determined using a trigonometric function as shown below.

tan (theta) = (opposite/adjacent)

tan (theta) = (3/4)

theta = invtan (3/4)

theta = 36.9 degrees

Given a boat velocity of 4 m/s, East and a river velocity of 3 m/s, North, the resultant velocity of the boat will be 5 m/s at 36.9 degrees.

Motorboat problems such as these are typically accompanied by three separate questions:

What is the resultant velocity (both magnitude and direction) of the boat?

If the width of the river is X meters wide, then how much time does it take the boat to travel shore to shore?

What distance downstream does the boat reach the opposite shore?

The first of these three questions was answered above; the resultant velocity of the boat can be determined using the Pythagorean theorem (magnitude) and a trigonometric function (direction). The second and third of these questions can be answered using the average speed equation (and a lot of logic).

ave. speed = distance/time

Consider the following example.

Example 1


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