How to change an exclamatory sentence into an assertive sentence and vice versa..
An exclamatory sentence expressess a strong desire or wish. Exclamatory sentences are always punctuated with an exclamation mark
What a tall building it is!
Whereas assertive sentences makes a statement.
It is a tall building.
You may consider following examples to change an exclamatory sentence into an assertive sentence
How beautiful is this night! (Exclamatory Sentence)
This night is very beautiful. (Assertive Sentence)
Start with a subject (take it from exclamatory sentence)
Next put a suitable verb ( select it from the exclamatory sentence)
Remove the expression of sadness/happiness(like Hurrah/alas/what/how etc)
Write the predicate or complement(if any) left in the exclamatory sentence)
Do remember to put a full stop.
An exclamatory sentence expressess a strong desire or wish. Exclamatory sentences are always punctuated with an exclamation mark
What a tall building it is!
Whereas assertive sentences makes a statement.
It is a tall building.
You may consider following examples to change an exclamatory sentence into an assertive sentence
How beautiful is this night! (Exclamatory Sentence)
This night is very beautiful. (Assertive Sentence)
Start with a subject (take it from exclamatory sentence)
Next put a suitable verb ( select it from the exclamatory sentence)
Remove the expression of sadness/happiness(like Hurrah/alas/what/how etc)
Write the predicate or complement(if any) left in the exclamatory sentence)
Do remember to put a full stop.