English, asked by visheshagarwal153, 1 year ago

how to climb on stairs​


Answered by Ayushmaan74


Step 1: Parts

Picture of PartsPicture of Parts


and a

set of stairs

arranged together

to make a staircase.


Step 2:

Tackle a stairway face on, for if you try it backwards or sideways, it ends up being particularly uncomfortable.

(The natural stance consists of holding yourself upright, arms hanging easily at the sides, head erect but not so much so that the eyes no longer see the steps immediately above, while one tramps up, breathing lightly and with regularity.)


Step 3:

To climb a staircase begin by lifting that part of the body located below and to the right, usually encased in leather or deerskin, and which, with a few exceptions, fits exactly on the stair.


Step 4:

Set down the said part on the first step (to abbreviate we shall call it “the foot”).


Step 5:

Draw up the equivalent part on the left side (also called “foot” but not to be confused with “the foot” cited above), and lift this other part to the level of “the foot,” so it continues along until it is set in place on the second step, at which point the foot will rest, and “the foot” will rest on the first.

(The first steps are always the most difficult, until you acquire the necessary coordination. The coincidence of names between the foot and “the foot” makes the explanation more difficult. Be especially careful not to raise, at the same time, the foot and “the foot.”)


Step 6:

Having arrived by this method at the second step, it's easy enough to repeat the movements alternately, until one reaches the top of the staircase.


Step 7:

You can now get off the staircase easily, with a light tap of the heel to fix it in place, to make sure it will not move until you are ready to come down.


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93 Discussions


tsturtevant6 years ago

Ehfang genious


TheDiyFan6 years ago on Introduction

Wow! Now I can finally leave my bedroom and get something to eat. Oops! How do I get down now!!!!!!!!!! I can't get a grasp on how you place your foot while going down!!!!!!! Plz tell us how to go down plz!!!! Otherwise I'm up here forever!!!


rastita8 years ago on Step 5

Please... Read to Cortazar. Is an Argentinian writer, who wrote this original Instructable....


apo1l010 years ago on Step 7

Sweet, now I can up and out of my basement bedroom. I thought that I was stuck down here for the rest of time. Thank you so much for the instructable...... Now to go and practice this new skill. :D

1 reply


Oyarsa10 years ago on Introduction

Ok, so I followed your instructions carefully, and I finally go to see what the 2nd story of my house looks like! (I didn't know I had a kid) But when I got there, I forgot the tap to fix it in place and the stairs migrated south for the winter. Urgent help needed!!!! What do I do, because it's like a 15 foot drop onto cement from up here?

P.S. My kid keeps saying he has something called a "Cell Phone," whatever that is. What is this and could it help us get off of here? Please make an instructable on how to use this strange device.

9 replies


loppy969 years ago on Introduction

Riveting absolutely riveting


ArtStockton9 years ago on Introduction

This belongs in the Hitchhikers guide.


theexternaldisk9 years ago on Step 7

Finally, I know why I always fall of the stairs! So there is a difference between 'the foot' and 'foot'. I'm going to try this instructable right now!


spydercanopus9 years ago on Step 6

Whoa whoa, you skipped a step


il_pipe9 years ago on Step 6


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