Hindi, asked by surajgupta82, 9 months ago

how to control deforestation in hindi (4 point)​


Answered by Anonymous


भविष्य में यहाँ जीवन को बचाने के लिये पर्यावरण के प्राकृतिक चक्र को बनाये रखने और पशु अभयारण्य को बचाने के लिये जंगलों की कटाई रोकना या दुबारा पेड़-पौधा लगाने के द्वारा हमें पेड़ों को संरक्षित करना होगा। कार्बन डाइऑक्साईड की मात्रा को कम करने के साथ ही ताजे और स्वस्थ ऑक्सीजन के लिये जंगलों का संरक्षण बहुत ज़रुरी है।


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Answered by samarendradas6969

sorry i donot know hindi....hope i help u plz marke all and follow me


how can we stop deforestation?

1 – Eating Less Meat Helps Stop Deforestation

How can we stop deforestation? According to the WWF, livestock-caused deforestation is responsible for the discharge of 3.4% of current global emissions of carbon to the atmosphere every year. That’s why the late 2018 IPCC report stood out that reducing meat consumption by 90% is the single biggest way to reduce global warming.

Some studies also show that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by over 75%. In this way, reducing your meat consumption is also a big step to stop not only deforestation but also global warming on a larger scale. Remember: a lot of space is needed to grow both animals and the food they consume, while other nutritious foods could be grown and result in larger food quantities using the same space. Why not saving meat for important occasions only?

Related: Will We Start Eating Bugs? Are Insects More Sustainable Than Meat?

2 – Consuming Less and More Consciously Helps Stop Deforestation

As consumers we can choose to buy less industrial and transformed products such as cookies, crips, noodles or cosmetics that use plenty of palm oil. Instead, we can go for a home-made approach with fewer chemicals and food preservatives which is better for both the planet and our health.

However, if you are not willing to make such changes – because they are time consuming – you can still consume more responsibly while keeping your lifestyle. To this regard, you can buy products from brands adopting eco-friendly business practices. When it comes to food, buying directly to small farmers using agroforestry practices is the best choice for the planet.

3 – To Stop Deforestation, When You Consume: Use, Use, Use

Your smartphone, your laptop or your car, to name a few, are all made of aluminium, plastic and rare Earth minerals, among other materials. To get these, (just like foods like coffee or cacao) land was clear to build mining sites, roads and factories and where built to transport and transform them, powerplants provide them with energy…

The longer we use our products for, the higher the changes that demand doesn’t grow (it won’t likely decrease either – there are more people in the planet every day). Economically-speaking, if the demand doesn’t grow, production won’t grow either and it it is not necessary to clear more space to extract natural resources and build human infrastructures might, deforestation (and carbon emissions from the industry) might just not increase.

4 – Leaving Fossil Fuels and Palm Oil Behind

Nearly half of UE’s imports of palm oil are used as biofuels – although proposals to ban subsidies are currently under debate. Since diesel and petrol are mixed with biofuels, choosing other transportation methods such as walking, cycling or car-sharing can be good ways of reducing palm oil importations (and production) and to help stop deforestation.

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