How to control soil erosion on hilly areas
Following steps are taken to control the soil erosion in hilly areas: (i) Contour ploughing: this refers to ploughing along contour lines. (ii) Terrace farming: construction of steps along the hilly areas by cutting the rock layers to reduce the flow of rivers. (iii) Plugging of gullies to prevent gully erosion.
There are various methods through which we can control soil erosion in hilly areas.
Some of those methods are:
1. Contour ploughing: this is a very effective method of preventing soil erosion in hilly areas. Vegetations are grown along the contour lines along the slope of the mountains. This prevents the speed of wind flow oblver the slopes and thus, prevents soil erosion.
2. Terrace farming: this is one of the best methods of preventing soil erosion in mountainous regions. Terraces are made along the slope of the mountains, such that the soil eroded by the runoff water gets collected in the terraces. That is how it prevents soil erosion.
3. Strip farming: Strips are made along the slopes of the mountains. Grass and other natural vegetation are left to grow alternately along the strips so that it does not allow agents like wind to carry the eroded soil particles with it....
These were the three exclusively used methods of preventing soil erosion in mountainous regions....