how to control the environment polution in India after the lockdown covid19
The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic poses a cruel choice to the world: the society and economy. It has revealed the vulnerabilities and strengths of every country and has taught us a series of lifelong lessons.
A pattern emerges from analysing the approach of countries that have tackled the COVID-19 outbreak successfully. First, accept the problem. The countries that accepted COVID-19 to be a serious problem and not a hoax, saw a less damaging impact of the disease.
Second, continuously communicate and share the seriousness of the problem with society. People’s faith and cooperation is essential to face such pandemics. Third, take strict measures to save the lives of people, even if it costs you financially in the short term.
Fourth, engage with all stakeholders and take collaborative actions. The world has seen that rich economies that delayed in accepting the problem, failed miserably. On the other hand, countries that were least affected by COVID-19, proactively accepted the problem and followed this process.
People who harness free solar energy for cooking breathe cleaner air, drink safe water, and preserve the environment.
Nearly 3 billion people cook over wood, animal waste, or charcoal fires. They breathe in smoke and soot for hours every day. And more rely on expensive, unsustainable fossil fuels.