how to convert 1.642km in cm or m?
Given that:-
We have to convert the given value in cm or m,
For, converting the km in m we have to multiply the given value with
For, converting the km in cm we have to multiply the given value with
From the given question the correct answer is:
the 1.642 km in meter is 1642m and in centimeter 16420 cm.
Given :
To find:
convert 1.642km in cm or m
we know that,
1 km = 1000m
1m = 100 cm
and 1 km = 10,000 cm
from this we can convert any number of km into the meter and centimeter.
for converting 1.642 km into meter, we have to multiply 1.642 into 1000
=1642 m
the conversion of 1.642km into m is 1642 m.
Now, for converting 1.642 km into cm we have to multiply 1.642 into 10000
the conversion of 1.642km into cm is 16420
Hence , the 1.642 km in m is 1642m and in centimeter 16420 cm.