How to convert 12.475 into 12.48
To convert 12.475 to 12.48 u just have to add 1 with 7.
# It's a rule when we've a number greater than or equal to 5 after decimal then we need to add 1 with that number.
Eg -- In the given question we are having 12.475 so as 7 is greater that 5 and also it's after the decimal so we will add 1 with it.
We know, 7 + 1 = 8
12.475 = 12.48
Step-by-step explanation:
To convert 12.475 to 12.48 u just have to add 1 with 7.
# It's a rule when we've a number greater than or equal to 5 after decimal then we need to add 1 with that number.
Eg -- In the given question we are having 12.475 so as 7 is greater that 5 and also it's after the decimal so we will add 1 with it.
We know, 7 + 1 = 8
12.475 = 12.48