English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

how to convert complex sentence into compound sentence?


Answered by cherry72
We can convert a complex sentence into a compound sentence by changing the subordinate clause(s) into main clause(s).

An example is given below.

He went to work as soon as he finished his meal.
Let’s analyze this sentence.

It has two finite verbs (went, finished) and hence it has two clauses.

The clause ‘he went to work’ is the main clause because it can stand alone.
The clause ‘as soon as he finished his meal’ is a subordinate clause because it cannot stand alone and needs to be attached to the main clause.

Anonymous: what is meant by clause?
cherry72: a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate.
Anonymous: thanx
Answered by nandana0497
A complex sentence contains one main clause and at least one subordinate clause. A compound sentence contains at least two main clauses and no subordinate clauses.

We can convert a complex sentence into a compound sentence by changing the subordinate clause or clauses into main clauses.

Note that subordinate clauses are introduced by conjunctions like because, as, if, when, where, since and though. The conjunctions commonly used in compound sentences are: and, or, but, yet and for.

Hope it helps..

Anonymous: what is meant by clause
Anonymous: and how many types of clause are there?
nandana0497: clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a predicate but cannot always be considered as a full grammatical sentence. Clauses can be either independent clauses (also called main clauses) or dependent clauses (also called subordinate clauses).
Anonymous: thans a lot
nandana0497: Always wlcm
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