how to convert hours in a.m or p.m
Considering that you want to convert the 24 hour format into the am pm format :
From 12AM to 12PM we have :
12AM = 0000
and the rest is same in 24 hour and am pm format. E.g_
1:00 am = 0100
3:30 am = 0330
11:59 am = 1159
12:00 pm = 1200
But after 12:59 in the 24 hour format, the number continues from 13:00 to 23:59 instead of resetting to 1pm
1pm = 1300
5:30pm = 1730
11:59 pm = 2359
To convert the time after 12 PM we simply subtract 12 hours from the 24 hour format: eg
1300 = 1300 -1200 = 1pm
1730 = 1730 - 1200 = 5:30 pm
2359 = 1359 - 1200 = 11:59pm
After 11:59 pm it resets to 0000, that is 12 AM
Here's how to convert time on a 24-hour clock to the 12-hour system: From 0:00 (midnight) to 0:59, add 12 hours and use am. From 1:00 to 11:59, just add am after the time. From 12:00 to 12:59, just add pm after the time.
Step-by-step explanation:
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