Computer Science, asked by Preety1306, 10 months ago

How to count number of one's in 8 bit data using verilog hdl?


Answered by Ameyarmahale

Let's take a 16 bit binary number. The output of our design will have a width of 5 bits, to include the maximum value of output, which is 16("10000").

For example,

Input = "1010_0010_1011_0010" =>  Output = "00111" ( 7 in decimal)

Input = "1110_1010_1001_1010" =>  Output = "01001" ( 9 in decimal)

Input = "0011_0110_1000_1011" =>  Output = "01000" ( 8 in decimal)

Design 1 - A simple Verilog code can be written to achieve this:

module num_ones_for(

   input [15:0] A,

   output reg [4:0] ones


integer i;



   ones = 0;  //initialize count variable.

   for(i=0;i<16;i=i+1)   //check for all the bits.

       if(A[i] == 1'b1)    //check if the bit is '1'

           ones = ones + 1;    //if its one, increment the count.



The code isn't that big and the logic is easy to understand. But it's less efficient and uses much more resources than the customized design I will present next.

Another way to achieve our purpose, would be to add all the bits in our input. Think of it as a sequence of 16 one bit-adders. The zeros in the input vector will not change the sum, and effectively we get the sum as the number of ones in the vector.

***Design 2 -See the Verilog code below to get what I meant:

module num_ones_for(

   input [15:0] A,

   output reg [4:0] ones


integer i;



   ones = 0;  //initialize count variable.

   for(i=0;i<16;i=i+1)   //for all the bits.

       ones = ones + A[i]; //Add the bit to the count.



Testbench(same for both the designs):

module tb;

   // Inputs

   reg [15:0] A;

   // Outputs

   wire [4:0] ones;

   // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)

   num_ones_for uut (




   initial begin

       A = 16'hFFFF;   #100;

       A = 16'hF56F;   #100;

       A = 16'h3FFF;   #100;

       A = 16'h0001;   #100;

       A = 16'hF10F;   #100;

       A = 16'h7822;   #100;

       A = 16'h7ABC;   #100;    




Well, design 2 looks much more simpler than design 1 and the synthesis results showed that its much more faster and uses less number of LUT's.

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