How to create table book?
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Sql Query
BOOK ID Char(4) ;
Bname Varchar(15);
Author Varchar(20);
Price Decimal
) ;
BOOK ID field should be used as a primary key because all the ID's have unique characters
i) Char is generally used for single type of character. For example either number(1, 2,3...) or letters (A, B, C...)
Whereas Varchar includes all types of characters. For example : (Address-- Andheri 21, Mumbai)
ii) DDL: it stands for Data Definition Language. Following are some functions of DDL commands
- Create, Alter and drop schema objects
- Add comments to data dictionary
- Grant and Revoke roles and privileges
DML: It stands for Data Manipulation Language. These commands are generally used for retrieving, storing, modifying, deleting a data from the database. Example: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE . Some of the DML language are SQL( Structured Query Language), CODASYL etc.