How to delete nervousness inside you ; Tomorrow it is my exam
Just keep calm and prepare everything from before,don't keep it pending for the last moment.When you study divide your time take breaks(e.g-45 mins study and 5-10mins break)study proves that better knowledge gets in your brain if you take breaks in between.When you study divide your answers into points and write it in a rough copy.Sleep early to night and wake up early in the morning.Studying in the early morning it helps 80%-100%.And at night or late night it only helps 5%-10% (but still it's your choice when you want to study ),but keep in mind you must sleep at least 6-8 hours a day.Eat healthy food like vegetables,fruits,grains,oats,e.t.c and avoid food like caffeine,junk foods.And if you can eat 4-10 overnight water soaked almonds every day and also Chana.These are little costly but it really boosts your brain.As you prepare everything from before,play outdoor games,watch a good movie,spend time with your friends and family,e.t.c.but please stay away from mobile phones and social media.
These are some tips by which you can get rid of your nervousness and score best in your exams(actually these are tips which I actually tried myself and got good results)
Hope this helps you friend....❤
All the best for tomorrow friend......
May the almighty God bless you and be with you to choose a right path in your life.