Biology, asked by ojasnimje1577, 1 year ago

how to differentiate small pox from chicken pox


Answered by santy2

Difference between small pox and chicken pox


Small pox is caused by pox virus whereas chicken pox is caused by herpes virus.

Incubation period for small pox is 7 to 14 days, but in chicken pox its 14 to 21 days.

Chicken pox still prevails whereas small pox has been eradicated from the earth.

Small pox is considered very deadly as compared to chicken pox.

In chicken pox, the infected have lesions that are superficial and appear in crops, the vesicles collapse when punctured, and they also belong to different ages. In small pox, lesions appear to be more deeply seated and do not crop together, they don’t collapse when punctured and they do belong to the same age.

There is a great potential of using pox virus as a biological /terrorist weapon.

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