how to do journal entry in voucher
The system generates journal entries when you create a voucher so that the appropriate purchasing expenses and liabilities reflect in the general ledger. After the system generates journal entries, you can review the entries and post them to the general ledger.
When you create a voucher, you can distribute a single purchasing expense to multiple accounts. You can also redistribute an expense that you performed at purchase order entry. The system generates journal entries based on the distribution amounts and accounts that you specify.
To ensure the integrity of your data, you can verify that voucher amounts balance between the accounts payable ledger and the general ledger.
the system generates when to see your voucher debit cash
Type of Voucher
Date of Voucher
Debit Column
Credit Column
Amount in figures and words.
Total Column
Particulars column in which brief description of the transaction is being mentioned
Signature of accountant
Signature of Manager or other authourised person.
Cash Payment Voucher
Bank Payment Voucher or Cheque Payment Voucher
Cash Receipt Voucher
Bank Receipt Voucher or Cheque Receipt Voucher
Contra Voucher
Purchase Voucher
Sales Voucher
Journal Voucher
Sales Return Voucher
Purchase Return Voucher