English, asked by Shibo8275, 1 year ago

How to do plastic clean on the earth


Answered by shreya7426


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Office of Response and RestorationSearch formSearch this sitesearchMENUBack to top8 Ways to Keep the Earth Clean

Office of Response and RestorationSearch formSearch this sitesearchMENUBack to top8 Ways to Keep the Earth CleanBy: Amanda Laverty, Knauss fellow with NOAA’s Marine Debris Program April 18, 2017 - Here at the NOAA Marine Debris Program Earth Day is every day and we always are encouraging others to get involved and support efforts working toward a clean environment and healthy planet. Our oceans are filled with items that do not belong there. Huge amounts of consumer plastics, metals, rubber, paper, textiles, derelict fishing gear, vessels, and other lost or discarded items enter the marine environment every day, making marine debris one of the most widespread pollution problems facing the world's ocean and waterways.The ultimate solution to the problem lies with every single one of us—preventing marine debris in the first place. First, consider how you might personally contribute to marine debris and follow the “4Rs” whenever possible— Refuse unnecessary single-use items, like plastic straws or cutlery when possible; Reduce the amount of waste you produce by choosing products with less packaging; Reuse items when you can and choose reusable items over disposable ones; and Recycle as much as possible— bottles, cell phones, ink cartridges, and many other items can be recycled.

Answered by shauryakumar1608

Answer:just dont litter the earth and lastics should be banned


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