How to download NTSE's hall ticket individually?
NTSE Stage 1 exam Admit Card will be available in the month of October 2018. The document will be available at the NCERT official website or can contact their State’s Liaison officer to obtain their NTSE Admit Card.
NTSE Stage 2 exam admit cards will be made available to only those student who qualifies for it. Students can follow the steps given below to download their Stage 1 Exam admit cards:
Visit the NCERT official website
Go to Bulletin Tab/Quick links section.
Click on the link for NTSE Admit Card
Candidates will have to log in with school code and password
NTSE Admit Card will be displayed on the Screen
Download the NTSE 2019 Admit Card and take a print out for future reference
Candidates are requested to check their details on the admit card carefully
Students will also get their NTSE Admit card by post.
If a student does not receive her/his admit card, they need to contact the State’s Liaison Officer.