How to draw rock cycle
For more than two centuries, geologists have advanced their science by treating the Earth as a recycling machine. One way of presenting that to students is a concept called the rock cycle, usually boiled down into a diagram. There are hundreds of variations on this diagram, many with errors in them and distracting pictures on them. Try this one instead.
Rocks are broadly classified into three groups—igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic—and the simplest diagram of the "rock cycle" puts these three groups in a circle with arrows pointing from "igneous" to "sedimentary," from "sedimentary" to "metamorphic," and from "metamorphic" to "igneous" again. There is some sort of truth there: for the most part, igneous rocks break down at the Earth's surface to sediment, which in turn becomes sedimentary rocks. And for the most part, the return path from sedimentary rocks back to igneous rocks goes through metamorphic rocks.
But that's too simple. First, the diagram needs more arrows. Igneous rock can be metamorphosed directly into metamorphic rock, and metamorphic rock can turn directly to sediment. Some diagrams simply draw arrows between each pair, both around the circle and across it. Beware of that! Sedimentary rocks cannot melt directly into magma without being metamorphosed along the way. (The minor exceptions include shock melting from cosmic impacts, melting by lightning strikes to produce fulgurites, and friction melting to produce
There are 3 kinds of rocks
Igneous Rock
Metamorphic Rock
Sedimentary Rocks
Igneous Rock is formed when molten lava cools down either Inside or outside the surface those rock which are formed inside the lava is called intrusive Igneous Rock and those which are formed outside is called extrusive igneous rock
Sedimentary rocks are formed in two way 1st by erosion, weathering and deposion and 2nd by Rock clash or when rocks clash with each other and they break to form sedimentary rocks
Metamorphic Rocks are formed when rocks are exposed to great and high pressure
The changing of different kinds of rocks into other rocks is called Rock cycle like both igneous and metamorphic rocks can change into sedimentary rocks in the same way each kind of rock can change into other 2 kind of rocks and this is called rock cycle