how to draw these drawings

Isometric paintings are usually used by traders to communicate information in large quantities in a single picture. Since isometric drawings show the three sides of an object, they make it easy to visualize what a complete project might look like or understand better how the pieces fit. As shown in the development of orthographic pictures, more information can be given in a single isometric drawing compared to a series of three orthographic images.
An isometric drawing can be identified by several factors:
• vertical plane or edges are pulled vertically.
• Horizontal left and right airplanes are drawn at a 30 degree angle.
• No horizontal lines are found on isometrics.
The strength to use isometrics in the plumbing business is that all fittings can be shown on the same picture, whereas an orthographic can have hidden fittings from the scene. It can lead to confusion and uncertainty in the mind of businessmen. It is common for merchants to investigate the blueprint drawing (orthographic plan view) and to make them an isometric sketch to clarify areas of uncertainty. It can be used to discuss issues with inspectors, supervisors, architects, or homeowners. In fact, the ability to imagine and plan a project before using the material is a valuable skill.