How to edit a post hoc Kruskal Wallis test in SPSS that has generated an unreadable table?
I have gathered field data about birds at hanging feeders. One question I am trying to answer is is the proportion of time spent being vigilant at the feeders the same in all species.
I have gathered field data about birds at hanging feeders. One question I am trying to answer is is the proportion of time spent being vigilant at the feeders the same in all species.I have run a Kruskal Wallis in SPSS test to determine that I need to reject the hypothesis that the proportion of time spent being vigilant is the same across all bird species.
I have gathered field data about birds at hanging feeders. One question I am trying to answer is is the proportion of time spent being vigilant at the feeders the same in all species.I have run a Kruskal Wallis in SPSS test to determine that I need to reject the hypothesis that the proportion of time spent being vigilant is the same across all bird species.I have then clicked on the output box generated, selected the pairwise comparisons view and it has generated a table so that I can see which of the species differ from each other.
I have gathered field data about birds at hanging feeders. One question I am trying to answer is is the proportion of time spent being vigilant at the feeders the same in all species.I have run a Kruskal Wallis in SPSS test to determine that I need to reject the hypothesis that the proportion of time spent being vigilant is the same across all bird species.I have then clicked on the output box generated, selected the pairwise comparisons view and it has generated a table so that I can see which of the species differ from each other.However, my table has turned out like this (please see attachment). Is there a way I can edit it to make it readable? Or have I done something wrong?
Unfortunately, clicking on the table does not allow you to edit it (nor does right clicking on it) like you would be table to with tables in the Output window (this is in the "Model Viewer" window). Even the "Edit" tab at the top of the page only contains copying options (which I have tried and pasted it into a Word document in case it fixed the issue, but unfortunately it didn't).
Give me some thanks
Mark Branlist