How to find chords of song and what are extended chords
How To Find Chords For A Song:
Figuring Out The Key. The key of a song is the note and chord that serves as the home base or landing pad for the song. If the song has a definite ending, you can tell the key of the song because it is generally the last note in the melody or the root of the last chord in the song.
In music, extended chords are tertian chords (built from thirds) or triads with notes extended, or added, beyond the seventh. Ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth chords are extended chords. ... The Romantic era saw greatly increased use of extended harmony.
Voicing Extended Chords
You can play it with or without the 5th, 9th, and 11th and with the notes in any order. In an extended chord, the most important notes are the root (I), the 3rd and the 7th (to determine the quality of the chord) and the highest note from the chord, whether that be the 9th, 11th, or 13th.