How to find interacting residues between two proteins in a complex?
Explanation:Unless you have inhibitions in submitting your structure online, PDBSum should be a good server to use. While it already has details on proteins at the interface for the structures in PDB, you could also submit your structure and it returns you an array of details about your structure which includes the residues at the interface.
I believe Chimera too does it in a crude manner but I find PDBSum the best (of the ones I used)
Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are the physical contacts of high specificity established between two or more protein molecules as a result of biochemical events steered by electrostatic forces including the hydrophobic effect. Many are physical contacts with molecular associations between chains that occur in a cell or in a living organism in a specific biomolecular context.
Proteins rarely act alone as their functions tend to be regulated. Many molecular processes within a cell are carried out by molecular machines that are built from numerous protein components organized by their PPIs. These interactions make up the so-called interactomics of the organism, while aberrant PPIs are the basis of multiple aggregation-related diseases, such as Creutzfeldt–Jakob, Alzheimer's diseases, and may lead to cancer.