How to get the data corresponding to a chart in a table ?
Answer in terms of Excel as well as PowerPoint
In terms of PowerPoint;-
Click Insert > Chart.
shows the insert chart button in powerpoint
Click the chart type and then double-click the chart you want.
Shows column chart selection in powerpoint
In the worksheet that appears, replace the placeholder data with your own information.
Spreadsheet showing default data for chart
When you’ve finished, close the worksheet.
In terms of excel:-
1. In PowerPoint, select the Insert tab. Clicking the Insert tab.
2. Click the Object command in the Text group. 3. 3. Clicking the Object command.
4. A dialog box will appear. ...
5. Locate and select the desired Excel file, then click Insert. ...
6. Check the box next to Link to file if you want to link the data to the Excel chart. ...
7. Click OK.
1. click the chart and then click the chart design tab
2. click add chart element and then click data labels
3. select the location in which u want the data table to appear
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