How to give answers here?? I have clicked on answer in profile but nothing happened
I searched for answers to my question before posting, and I did find threads where teachers seemed to be experiencing the same issue, but none of the responses have solved my problem. My issue, in a nutshell, is that a student submitted a quiz on Google Forms and I can see that the submission was made via Google Classroom, but when I go to the form to grade it (the quiz had both multiple choice and short response questions, so I need to grade the short responses), the student's quiz is not there. I am looking under the Response tab; I have tried searching by the student's email address; I have tried looking through the responses for ungraded responses--nothing is showing as ungraded.
First, I am confident that the student in question actually submitted the quiz. (I also had all the questions set to "required," so even if a kid weaseled around a question by putting in a single character for a short response question, I still got their quiz.) Second, I have not had difficulty viewing, grading, or importing any other student's responses for this assignment. Third, I have waited twenty four hours in hopes that there was simply a delay (as has happened to me in the past).
Does anyone have any suggestions? (I have seen several responses to this same problem that walk teachers through how to get to the Response tab, but I know how to do that, and that isn't the trouble. The trouble is with the response not showing up under that tab.)
Thanks in advance!