how to I can create my own website without coding
Your Query :
- Can I make my own website without códing or not ?
Your Solution :
There are methods to create websites without códing :-
# For making websites without códing we will require 15 tools :-
1) Carrd
= simple , responsive, one page sites for pretty much anything .
2) Template Stash
= Curated collection of best free themes and websites template.
3) Bubble
= Build a fully functional web app without any códe.
4) Html to word press
= convert html website to wordpress theme in seconds.
5) Tidla publishing
= build beautiful websites and tell stories without any códe.
= Free website builder --- > making web design ( like lego .) "No Códe "
7) Grav
= Modern open source flat-file CMS to build faster websites.
8) Pivot
= Drag and drop real time html page building.
9) Hype 3.0
= create beautiful html5 web content, ( No códing required )
10) One-pager
= One page theme builder for wordpress .
11) Webydo2.0
= Seamless web design platform for professionals. [ códe free ]
12) Bootstrap Studio
= Create responsive websites using the bootstrap framework.
13) Evolero2.0
= create better event website
14) Cloudpress
= Create unique responsive wordpress sites without coding.
15) Picnic
= Register a New website one click.
# Extra information :-
Q = What is html?
= Hyper text markup language is a standered markup language for códing or document designed to be displayed in web browser.
It can assisted by technology such as "cascading style sheet " and scripting language such as "Java Script. "
Q = What is website?
= It is a set of related web pages located under a domain name , typically produced by a single person or organization.
Q = What is códing?
= It is also called computer programming ,is how we communicate with computers . Códes tell computer what action to take and writing códe is like writing or creating set of instructions.
Q = What is Cascading style sheet?
= It is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in markup language such as html.
Q = What is javascript?
= It is programming language that confirms to the ECMAScript Specification. It is a high level often just in time compiled and multi-paradigm. It had curly bracket syntax , dynamic typing , prototype based object orientation and first class function.