How To Identify Biodegradable Plastic Bags
With much of the industrial world pushing toward zero waste goals, manufacturers are introducing new resins purported to disintegrate over a more reasonable period time when exposed to light, oxygen and other degradation catalysts. Among the offered benefits are lower energy requirements during manufacture, the ability to recycle the plastic as a composting feedstock, and/or properties that allow the resin — especially, films — to break down in landfills or natural environments if they never make it to a trash can or recycling bin.
But with products carrying labels like “degradable,” “biodegradable,” “oxo biodegradable,” “photodegradable,” “landfill degradable” and “compostable,” how is the average consumer supposed to figure out what to buy and what goes where when sorting for recycling? If the package says the plastic is “degradable” or “biodegradable,” does that mean it can be composted?
With much of the industrial world pushing toward zero waste goals, manufacturers are introducing new resins purported to disintegrate over a more reasonable period time when exposed to light, oxygen and other degradation catalysts. Among the offered benefits are lower energy requirements during manufacture, the ability to recycle the plastic as a composting feedstock, and/or properties that allow the resin — especially, films — to break down in landfills or natural environments if they never make it to a trash can or recycling bin.
But with products carrying labels like “degradable,” “biodegradable,” “oxo biodegradable,” “photodegradable,” “landfill degradable” and “compostable,” how is the average consumer supposed to figure out what to buy and what goes where when sorting for recycling? If the package says the plastic is “degradable” or “biodegradable,” does that mean it can be composted?Another label to look for is the “compostable” certification label of the U.S. Composting Council and Biodegradable Products Institute. There are multiple variations of this label in circulation. Each indicates that the plastics used meet ASTM specifications D6400 or D6868 for compostable products as tested and certified by ASTM International, a standards organization.