How to identify the nouns and mentioned their kinds
Nouns refer to persons, animals, places, things, ideas, or events, etc. Nouns encompass most of the words of a language.
Different Types of Noun:
1) Proper Noun.
2) Common Noun.
3) Abstract Noun.
4) Concrete Noun.
5) Countable Noun.
6) Non-countable Noun.
7) Collective Noun.
8) Compound Noun.
A noun is a word for a person, place, or thing. (It might be helpful to think of a noun as a "naming word.") There are different types of noun, but all nouns can be classified as either a proper noun or a common noun.
proper noun is the specific name given to a person, place, or thing (e.g., a personal name or a title). For example:
- Michael
- Africa
- Peking
- Dayton Peace Accord
- United Nations
- The Tower of London
- Uncle George
- ("Uncle" is written with a capital letter because it is part of his name.)
- Auntie Sally
- The Red Lio
- Note: A proper noun always starts with a capital letter
A common noun is the word used for something. In other words, it is the word that appears in a dictionary. For example:
- car
- man
- bridge
- town
- water
- metal
- ammonia
- A common noun does not start with a capital letter (unless it starts a sentence or is part of a title). It is a common mistake to capitalize a common noun that is an important word in a sentence. For example:
- He disobeyed a direct Order. (The word "order" is a common noun. It should not be written with a capital letter.)
- It is the largest Church in Birmingham. (The word "church" is a common noun. It should not be written with a capital letter.)