How to improve quality of education in schools in India?
Three measures that can enable the right ecosystem needed for imparting quality education:
Maintained Infrastructure: ...
Quality of Teaching and Teachers: ...
Extra-Curricular Activities: ...
Annual Status of Education Report 2017: ...
Need of the Hour: Addressing Gaps in Indian education.
Ensure that classroom strategies for improvement address the needs of students at all levels of learning. Assess students in a variety of ways and develop strategies for improving the level of student achievement. Focused Professional development (Empowering teachers). Cultural competence and culturally responsive).
Initiative 1: Make the problem visible
Initiative 2: Build systemic and institutional capacity
Initiative 3: Establish a reading mission
Initiative 4: Build teacher and head teacher capacity
Initiative 5: Change the goal post by reforming board exams to test understanding, not recall
Initiative 6: Invest in technology for education
Initiative 7: Introduce school-based practices for learning improvement
Initiative 8: Work on mindsets through public education campaigns
Initiative 9: Holistic development
Initiative 10: Implement legal and structural changes