Biology, asked by neeraj0910, 11 months ago

How to increase height in sickle cell person?


Answered by priyankasubhadarsini

Sickle cell person are not allowed to take food which are dey. But they can take juicy food to increase their height . Like milk.

neeraj0910: Can i take zink?
neeraj0910: zinc*
priyankasubhadarsini: Zinc in the juicy food.
priyankasubhadarsini: If u r sickling patient then convince to doctor first.
neeraj0910: yeah i am 16 year old height is not increasing. I searched in net it was written zinc help to increase height.
priyankasubhadarsini: I will suggest to kindly take the suggestion from doctor.
neeraj0910: thanks..ill get checkup and also take help of doctor.
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