How to increase our capabilities to gain more in future
u need to be workhard
nd keep going I your own lyf
Good evening,
To capitalize on the skill-development work they are already doing, it’s critical for organizations to formalize their approaches to maintaining and improving capabilities. Yet few executives report that their companies do this well. Nearly half say their organizations encourage employees to develop their skills. But less than one in five say their human-resources functions and business units co-own learning—a practice that reinforces the importance of skill development and also aligns learning objectives with business needs. Across all the activities to sustain capabilities that we asked about, the respondents who do report co-ownership are the most likely to say it’s been very effective in supporting their learning programs.
In their efforts to sustain and continuously improve, the most effective companies stand out from the rest. Forty percent of these respondents say their human-resources functions and business units co-own learning, compared with 14 percent of all others (Exhibit 5). Relative to their peers, this group reports a more structured approach to developing tools, methods, and procedures to support capability building. They also say their learning programs are more often based on competency models and “learning journeys” for all roles.
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