how to learn sst in easiest way??
Method One of Three:
Reviewing Major Themes
Read the study guide and test instructions closely. It’s important to review all the information your teacher provides about the test. Listen carefully when they talk about an upcoming exam, and take notes on what they say. If you’re provided with a study guide, spend your study time reviewing the material listed on it so you’ll be prepared for the material you’ll be tested on.
Make your own flash cards. Although you might find suitable flash cards online, creating your own will tailor the terms to your class and give you extra study time as you write them. Use your flash cards for 10-20 minutes every day to improve your memory retention. Do not add more than 1-2 sentences of information per flash card so the content is easy to remember.[1]Flash cards are especially useful for memorizing notable people, events, or dates.Color code your flash cards to organize them and make memorization a little easier. You might, for example, highlight all major dates in pink, all historical figures in blue, and all important events in yellow.
Enjoy while studying . Try to understand it . If you are having problem in learning sst , make a time schedule for it .
First , observe the time when you can best read it . Like , i read the difficult chapters in the morning , because in morning , I can easily grasp on any subject and remember it for a longer time with better understanding . Some people can learn it better at late night or at evening . You need to find your timing .
Second, make it a point to write whatever you have read .
For example , if you are reading a definition , read it twice , try to understand it (this will make you remember it more easily) and then write the definition twice in a copy . Later ,after some time , again try to write it without looking .
Also , when you are free or sitting somewhere , try to recall the definition . This makes your memory power strong .
Third , you can discuss the events , situations , dates or any other things of sst with you peer groups or parents or anyone . Discussion makes the situation printed in your mind for a longer time .
You can also take suggestion from your teachers or fellow students as how they study sst .