How to make a animation movie?
by using editing apps available in the play store
with this joke." Think of it as a guiding principle for your film.[1]
Characters. What will hold the attention of your audience? This can be anything from a person or an animal to a squiggly line, like the Oscar-winning short "The Dot and the Line: A Romance."
Visuals. Where does the short take place? What's the mood, or atmosphere? A screenplay needs to tell the story of the short in full so it can be used as a blueprint for future work.[2]
A beginning, middle, and end. This sounds obvious, but that's the point -- almost all stories are told in three specific, delineated parts, or acts. This doesn't mean you must have a three-act story, or even "characters." You do, however, need to think out the "action" of the short film before moving forward.[3]
Act 1 introduces the characters and a problem (they're hungry, the world is ending, boy has a crush on someone, etc.)
Act 2 complicates the story/problem (All the stores are closed, the bad guy might win, the person has a boyfriend already, etc.).
Act 3 provides resolution to the problem (they find a sandwich shop, they save the world, the boy meets another person, etc.)