how to make a colloidal solution
Simple, take glass jar, put some milk in it, that's all colloidal solution is ready
• Small bowl or cup
• Cornstarch
• Cup, mug or drinking glass
• Water
• Medicine dropper
• Fork
• Add one tablespoon of the cornstarch to the small bowl or cup.
• Fill the empty cup, mug or drinking glass with water.
• Use the medicine dropper to add water from the cup to the small bowl that holds the cornstarch. Add the water one drop at a time, counting as you go. What happens as the water touches the cornstarch?
• After you have added 20 drops, stir the cornstarch with the fork. Break up any clumps that formed.
• Keep adding drops one at a time, stirring with the fork after every 20 drops. What happens as you add more water?
• Once you have added 100 drops of water total, stop for a moment and observe the cornstarch. How does it look? How has it changed?
• Continue adding drops, but now mix the cornstarch after every 10 drops.
• Stop adding water when all of the cornstarch has flowed together like a liquid. It will probably take around 150 to 170 drops of water total. How many drops did it take for you? How would you describe the solution’s appearance?
• Play around with the solution in the bowl. Poke it with your finger and put some on your fork or in your hand. How does it move? What does it feel like? What do you think this tells you about colloidal solutions and their physical properties? Tip: If it seems to get chalky while you're investigating it, try adding and mixing in a few more drops of water.