how to make a working model on digestive system
draw chart of digestive system
then paste it on thermocol which has to cover by some colourful paper then paste tubes on the backside of model which has to attach with model parts
that tube attach with a pouch containing red water
put a switch
when you turn on the switch the tube should contain that red water i.e. artificial Blood
i hope you like it
1) Draw it
Start by drawing an outline of a person. You only need to draw the head and torso. Draw the head in proportion to the body as it would be on a human. This is just to provide a frame of reference for your digestive model.
If you wish, feel free to be creative and embellish this outline a bit. You can draw eyes and a nose and ears and hair. Just don’t draw over the torso or you will obscure your model.
2 ) Draw Inner parts
Add the mouth, teeth, and tongue. Your first step of digestion is now complete!
Digestion begins in the mouth with ingestion. Salivary glands release saliva containing digestive enzymes to begin breaking down food while you chew. The tongue helps the food to move back in your throat creating a bolus while the teeth break it down in a process known as mastication.
3)Draw the esophagus
At the end of the mouth, draw a small tube that extends straight down into the center of your model’s torso. It should be fairly narrow.
The food moves from the mouth into the esophagus, which carries it down into the stomach. The esophagus is made of smooth muscle that relaxes and contracts to move your food down with a wavelike motion, called peristalsis.
) Include the stomach
At the bottom of your esophagus, draw a small balloon-like organ that is the stomach. Include a small tube going up into the esophagus and a diagonal line between the esophagus and stomach to indicate the muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter. Add a small tube going straight down on the left side of the stomach, which will lead to the small intestine.
The stomach helps churn and digest food using gastric juices containing hydrochloric acid and pepsin to help break it down. The food remains in the stomach for about 3-4 hours. At this point it is no longer food, but has an oatmeal-like consistency and is called "chyme."
) Add the liver
Draw it towards the left of the stomach and slightly above it. It should be about twice the size of the stomach and look a bit like an elongated triangle with rounded edges.
The liver produces bile to help break down fats. While the food doesn’t enter the liver, it processes the nutrients that are absorbed from the small intestine.
) Draw the Gallbladder
Attached to the liver, draw a small nodule called the gallbladder. Draw the gallbladder as a small oval towards the bottom of the liver. It should overlap the liver. To show that the gallbladder goes over the liver, draw the gallbladder with a thick line.
The gallbladder stores the bile produced in the liver. It then mixes the bile with the food that passes by, breaking down fats.
7) Sketch the pancreas
It should be a small carrot-shaped organ that goes behind the stomach. To show that the pancreas is behind the stomach, draw it with a dotted line.
The pancreas releases digestive juices that aid in breaking down carbohydrates, protein, and fat as the food leaves the stomach. It also regulates blood sugar.
8) Include the small intestine
The small intestine is a large curving tube that you can draw as squiggly lines beneath the stomach in the center of the body, taking up about half of the width of the body. Draw it a couple of inches below the stomach because the large intestine will end up going on top of it. The end of the small intestine should be towards the bottom of your paper and towards the left side
The small intestine is about 18–22 feet (5–7 m) long! This is where the majority of digestion takes place. The small intestine contracts to move food through it with the help of bile secretions and pancreatic and intestinal juices, allowing it to absorb nutrients with villi.
9) Sketch the large intestine
Extending from the end of the small intestine, draw the large intestine. It should look like two squiggly tubes side by side and should go straight up on the left side of the small intestine, then go across the body below the stomach, and then go straight down towards the bottom of the body on the right. It should form the top three sides of a squiggly, tube like- square.
The passage of food is slower through the large intestine in order to allow for fermentation by bacteria and other microorganisms, called gut flora.
The large intestine processes whatever cannot be used in digestion. It absorbs whatever it can, especially water, but then the rest will expelled as waste after about 12 hours.
10) Draw the rectum and anus
At the end of the large intestine is the rectum. The rectum connects the large intestine to the anus. To draw these, simply draw a wide tube that is the rectum leading to a narrower tube that is the anus. This should go to the bottom of your sheet of paper.
The rectum stores feces until expulsion. The anus then expels waste.
After all this paste it on a cardboard of same shape and then on thermocol, it will give a stiff shape. You can also color it of ur wish
Congo ur model is done