How to make magazin
How to make magazin
1. Pick your topic
2. Choose a title
3. Choose your cover article
4. Find your cover image
5. Design your masthead
6. Write body articles
7. Incorporate graphics
8. Decide on feature articles
9. Place thumbnails
10. Create table of contents
11. Back page
12. Notes on printing
Paper quality — Magazines should be on glossy paper for the best image quality. Consult with a professional printer about the right weight and size for your project.
Layout — Because of the nature of magazines, you will need to double check to ensure that your pages will be laid out as expected.
Full-bleed — You can add a bleed to your document so there are no blank edges on your pages. A bleed is similar to a wider margin which is then trimmed in the printing process.
Magazines are entertaining, drive sales, and are fun to peruse both on paper and on screen. With Lucidpress as your magazine publishing and design software, you'll be excited about the results.