How to make my text look good.
Jack please give the answer
Here are some Html cords:
Cords :
<i> Your text
To make your tag bold use :
<b> Your text
To make bar use :
<br> Your text
To underline your tag use :
<u> Your text
Some different types of cords you can also use like -
<bullet> Your text
To make your tag colorful you can use -
<font color = red> Your text
<font color = blue> Your text
<font color = green> Your text
<font color = aqua> Your text
<font color = yellow> Your text
<font color = orange> Your text
<font color = purple> Your text
Or many more color you can add !
To move you text use
<marquee> Your text
<marquee behavior = alternate> Your text
<marquee behavior = right> Your text
<marquee behavior = left> Your text
Use the tag for cut out the letter
<s> Your text
This is tag which can be used for paragraphs
If you write in the center use
<center> Your text
Here are some text cords :
Size :
\huge{ Your text }
\large{ Your text }
\small{ Your text }
\tiny{Your text }
\underline{ Your text }
\boxed{ Your text }
Cords :
\textbf{ Your text }
\sf{ Your text }
\tt{ Your text }
\bold{ Your text }
\mathfrak{ Your text }
\mathbb{ YOUR TEXT }
\mathscr{YOUR TEXT }
And many more you can use .....
\purple{ Your text }
\red{ Your text }
\pink{ Your text }
\blue{ Your text }
\green{ Your text }
\orange{ Your text }
To make the box color use this cord :
\fcolorbox{yellow}{aqua} Your text }
Like this