How to make permanent magnet by electricity method
Take two magnets put one North pole and one South pole on the middle of the iron. Draw them towards its ends, repeating the process several times. Take a steel bar, hold it vertically, and strike the end several times with a hammer, and it will become a permanent magnet.The main way that permanent magnets are created is by heating a ferromagnetic material to a key high temperature. The temperature is specific to each kind of metal but it has the effect of aligning and “fixing” the domains of the magnet in a permanent position.
Method of Making Magnets
The simplest method is by touch. Lay a piece of iron on the table and put the north pole in the middle and draw it over half the iron, than put the south pole on and draw it over the other half. Next is the double touch. Take two magnets put one North pole and one South pole on the middle of the iron. Draw them towards its ends, repeating the process several times.
Take a steel bar, hold it vertically, and strike the end several times with a hammer, and it will become a permanent magnet.
Take the horse shoe magnet, place it in the middle of the needle to be magnetized and draw it over one half of the needle an equal number of times. This process is affected by induction accelerated by friction.
If we have no magnets to commence with. Take a small bar of steel magnetize it by percussion, and then magnetize several small bars. Put them in a bundle with their North poles the same way and we will have a magnet for making others with.”
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