how to make project on joy of sharing plzzz help me
Sharing is one of the most important virtues which bring happiness in life. It is fundamental to the development and nurturing of all human relationships. Sharing brings with it inherent joy and happiness within us and also to the person with whom we have shared. To share is to spread joy. Sharing is a very important part of social and emotional development.
According to a study titled “A boost of positive affect: The perks of sharing positive experiences” published in 2012 in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationship, those who share their positive experiences increase their positive affect, happiness, and life satisfaction. The study found out that that positive affect, happiness, and life satisfaction reach a peak only when participants share their positive experiences. The research further determined other benefits of sharing a positive experience, such as making it easier to remember, the opportunity to learn new positive implications of our news from another’s perspective, and the extra joy we feel when making another person happy through our good news.
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