how to make project on newton's disk???
Answered by
in my opinion if u want to make it like real
then you can use a motor and a cardboard which should be in circular shape
paste a white paper on cardboard now colour the disk with seven colours .it will look. like white when u will rotate the disk with the help of motor.
then you can use a motor and a cardboard which should be in circular shape
paste a white paper on cardboard now colour the disk with seven colours .it will look. like white when u will rotate the disk with the help of motor.
thnx. ......
Answered by
If you want to make a newton disk
Material required: a disc a pencil aglue sketch pens(of color violet indigo blue green yellow orange red and a white paper
Take the disc stick them paper on the disc with the help of glue colour the disk by the sketch pen of colours violet Indigo blue green yellow orange red and and put the pencil between the disc if you rotate the disc like a spinner then it shows a white colour on rotating
Material required: a disc a pencil aglue sketch pens(of color violet indigo blue green yellow orange red and a white paper
Take the disc stick them paper on the disc with the help of glue colour the disk by the sketch pen of colours violet Indigo blue green yellow orange red and and put the pencil between the disc if you rotate the disc like a spinner then it shows a white colour on rotating
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