how to make study time tavle
With the help of pencil paper and scale...... okkkk
Step-by-step explanation:
Make a list of your responsibilities. You need to think about and write down all of your responsibilities so that they can properly be factored into the list. By thinking about all of this in advance, before filling in your timetable, you’ll make the actual creation of your timetable go more smoothly. [1]
You should consider all of your classes, your job, your chores, sports and exercise, and anything else you do on a regular basis during the times you might be studying.
Don’t forget people’s birthdays and major holidays.
Collect all class/assignment information. This will probably mean getting all of your syllabus together and any assignment sheets for papers or projects, and maybe looking online if there’s a place for your classes there (like Blackboard or another course management system).