English, asked by sivangi99, 1 year ago

how to make tree save the Earth from global warming and climate change related to the poem the heart of the tree in 350 words​


Answered by janakib1985pdx35w


The poem opens with the refrain which asks “What does he plant who plants a tree?” and that sets the tone for the entire poem. We instantly realize that the poet is going to explain the usefulness of planting a tree. However, the poet himself answers by stating that the man plants a friend of sun and sky by planting a tree.

A plant grows upwards and aims to reach the sun and the sky. So it is as if the sun and the sky get a new friend in a tree. Secondly, the tree needs sunlight and air to survive. And finally, the trees seem to absorb the heat and save the earth from the scorching sun, giving an implication that the sun becomes friendly in the presence of the trees.

The speaker adds that the man plants a flag that flies freely in the mild breeze. The poet here compares the leafy branches of the tree to a flag and the stem to the beautiful shaft (pole) of the flag that stands tall.

By planting a tree the man plants a home for the sweet singing birds high in the sky, near the heaven. So, he keeps the earth habitable for birds and helps in maintaining the eco-system.

In quiet and happy twilight we can hear those birds chirping which is harmonious to heaven’s own tunes.

In the entire first stanza of The Heart of the Tree, the poet accentuates the importance of trees in maintaining the holistic beauty of nature. Moreover, the use of words like ‘heaven anigh’, ‘heaven’s harmony’ and ‘towering high’ is aimed at giving an impression that the work of planting a tree is indeed a heavenly and glorious deed.

The finishing line of the stanza forms a logical whole with the opening line, one asking a question and the other completing the answer


So, the poet repeats the question to begin a new stanza and attempts to answer again in the subsequent lines. The tree he plants provides us with cool shade and helps in bringing rain.

A tree will produce seed and bud in future. Years will pass silently but the tree will remain there through its seeds producing new trees.

Trees are the main elements that make a plain area green and beautiful. So the poet describes trees as ‘the glory of the plain’. Moreover, today’s single tree may turn into a forest someday. So by planting a tree now the man plants a ‘forest’s heritage’.

The speaker mentions that planting a tree today would give fruits in coming days. Our next generations would be delighted seeing so much vegetation and reap its benefits. So all the credit goes to the man who plants a tree.

In this stanza of the poem The Heart of the Tree the poet stresses on the importance of planting a tree for making this earth a better living place for future generations.


By planting a tree the man shows his love and loyalty for this earth (his home), his sense of civic duty and his blessings on the neighbourhood. All these are reflected in the ‘sap and leaf and wood’, in every cell of the tree.

By planting a tree the man directly or indirectly contributes to the nation’s growth. When a tree is planted, it sets in motion the progress of a nation from sea to sea. And all these start from the progressive thought in the man’s heart who plants a tree.

The capitalization in ‘His’ indicates that the man who plants a tree is all-powerful and the destiny-maker of a nation.

This last line is very important as it talks about the man’s heart, his feelings, dreams and wishes behind planting the tree. This also leads to the poem’s title ‘The Heart of the Tree’.

Thus the poet Henry Cuyler Bunner ends up composing an uncommon piece of poetry in ‘The Heart of the Tree’ out of a common and cliché topic – the usefulness of planting a tree.

Answered by aparnabhadoria


Henry Bunner’s poem The Heart of the Tree is undoubtedly a wake-up call for the human race in the wake of the growing environmental pollution and global warming of late. The poem is very relevant in an age when rapid and reckless development and urbanisation are taking their toll on the Environment.

The ever-growing pollution of the environment is causing a lot of new ailments and disorders in the human body including nasal and lung problems. In places, rapid deforestation is threatening to bring consequences like desertification and weather change. That further brings complication to overall human lifestyle. Moreover, many species of birds, insects and animals are on the verge of extinction. That would have certain consequences on the ecological balance of the environment.  Global warming in the recent decades has probably been the most dreaded environmental change so far. It is threatening to raise the sea-water level and even some cities may finally go under water. All these may well lead to a premature doom of humankind.

It can therefore be truly said the poet sees this impending destruction of the world and the human race if some immediate steps are not taken to save Nature. And this poem is his voice for raising an appeal to plant more and more trees, as only trees can save the world from this probable calamity.enry Bunner’s poem truly motivates people in plantation as it chooses to show the greatness of the man who plants a tree rather than just saying the usefulness of trees. Bunner hails that man by saying that the man not only plants a tree but also beautifies the surroundings, gives home to birds and animals, brings rains and cool shade, helps the future generations by planting their harvest and a forest’s heritage, shows his love and blessings for his neighbours as well as his civic sense, and most importantly helps in the nation’s growth.Thus, the poet goes on to highlight the theme of environmental awareness and appeals people to plant more trees in a brilliant way through his poem.


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