Biology, asked by ashishprasad3296, 9 months ago

How to measure the thickness of the mucosa in complete denture patients?


Answered by rockayush68


Twenty-seven edentulous patients underwent cone-beam computed tomography scanning, wherein the patients wore a record base to retract soft tissues away from the alveolar mucosa. The measured regions were the central incisor (IC), lateral incisor (IL), canine (Ca), first premolar (P1), second premolar (P2), first molar (M1), and second molar (M2) regions. The thickness was measured in the alveolar ridge crest (T), buccal (B1–B4), and lingual (L1–L4) alveolar ridge mucosa. The average thickness of the mucosa at buccal sides (B) and lingual sides (L) were also assessed.

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